About Us

The word ingenium is one of the Latin words at the root of the word engineering and means natural or innate talent.

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Our Services

You’ve worked your whole life moving towards retirement. What will retirement look like for you?

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Our investment advisors would be happy to answer any questions you have about your financial situation.


Personal Insurance

A foundational piece of your financial life is your personal insurance. Ingenium Financial can provide expert guidance to help you design and implement an insurance plan to meet your unique needs.



Your investment portfolio is the engine that drives you to your financial goals—retirement, college education, a vacation home, or a bucket-list trip of a lifetime. Just like driving a car, the faster you go, the more risk you’re taking.


Retirement Planning

Planning for your retirement is not an event or a product. It’s a process that should change and adapt as your situation changes. Ingenium Financial can help you create a clear path to your goals—one that makes you feel more secure and prepared for the future.


Estate Planning

With this type of preparation, you can put the tools and processes in place to protect your assets in the event of your incapacitation or death. Ingenium Financial can help you develop a plan to effectively manage your property, now and as it transitions to your heirs.


Business Solutions

As a small business owner, a large part—if not most—of your assets are represented by your business. That means the business is likely providing the income to support your family’s current lifestyle while also funding your retirement.

We manage assets for individuals and families, providing investment management, and financial planning services.


Is your retirement savings on track? If you’re like most people, you may feel it’s not. In fact, concerns about running out of money in retirement are very common. 1, 2 Many people today believe they’ll need at least $1.5 million saved to retire comfortably. 3 But is that number right for you? The real “magic number” varies widely depending on your current savings, future goals, and lifestyle plans. A clearer picture of retirement readiness...
Greg Hier |
How many of your financial choices are based purely on logic? It could be fewer than you think. That’s because most of us make money decisions with our emotions in play. 1 With that, certain biases can follow. When they do, those biases can lead even the smartest, best-intentioned investors astray. Here’s how to recognize three common biases - hindsight bias, fear of missing out (FOMO), and survivorship bias - and avoid their traps. The...
When are you going to retire? How did you make that decision? Many of us look at finances and health when we’re deciding when to retire. Whether or not we realize it, we’re also considering our emotions and what we imagine for the future — we compare how we feel in our current circumstances to how we expect to feel in our anticipated retirement. 1 With that, we tend to overestimate our future emotions, thinking...